To create a healthy learning environment, it
is important to promote classroom leadership. It should be both practice - the
teacher and both students should develop and practice leadership in the
classroom to make eLearning
work and rewarding.
Here are some ways teachers and students can
practice leadership in online classrooms.
A student does not become a leader without the
support of his teachers. In the classroom, there are students of different
personalities and teachers need to make sure that all students have equal
opportunities for growth and prosperity. For this, teachers need to set their
expectations and inform their students about it as well as provide them with
all the resources, tools and most importantly, to support them. Once students
know what is expected of them, what tools and resources are available to them
and what their teachers can do for them, they will be able to plan and walk the
path of empowerment and independence.
Communication is the key to a successful
classroom session. Because you as a teacher find the subject you are teaching
interesting, this may not be true of your students. The teacher should make an
effort to make his lessons interesting and another good way to do that is to
encourage participation in the classroom, and for this to happen, communication
is essential.
The teacher should go beyond saying "your
questions are always welcome" or "I am always available to help you
if there are any doubts or problems" and make the class more focused on
Learning to communicate effectively is very
important in developing leadership skills. A good leader is able to deliver a
message to his audience. When a teacher encourages this in his classroom,
students will inevitably develop such skills.
The student may not know what he is doing
right or wrong. That is why the teacher needs access to them. There are various
ways to test student performance in online teaching mode. However, assessment
means not only providing marks and answers but also finding information and a
gap in students' comprehension and coping skills.
The teacher should try and encourage the art
of self-awareness in his students. A leader must be aware of his or her
shortcomings and what he or she needs to develop, therefore, self-awareness is
Students learn best when their class is
interactive and social. The student should share his thoughts and ideas and
lead discussions and discussions in his / her classroom within and around the
topic being discussed. Every student can add value to the classroom and learn
from each other if they are not hesitant to lead discussions.
Participate in Group Designs
Team projects are a great way to hone
leadership skills. The student gets in touch with other students who may have
different personalities, thoughts and beliefs. Doing projects together helps
them not only to learn from each other but also to develop a leader's habit.
In a group project, students themselves post
tasks, collaborate collaboratively and get their work done. This student approach
helps them learn important leadership skills.
Studying online is not just about bringing
lectures and students to sit and stare at their screens. It is more than that
and both students and teachers should know. Encouraging participatory participation
and active participation from the end of students encourages holistic